Fostering food-tech innovation in Italy at the FoodTech Meetup in Milan
Over the years, Italy has built an inestimable heritage of expertise and know-how in the agri-food sector and has all the credentials to play a leading role also in the global ecosystem of FoodTech and in innovation in the food sector.
In 2021, Venture Capital investments in Italy have once again grown, exceeding the one-billion-euro ceiling, reaching + 118% compared to 2020, with as many as 111 more deals closed compared to the previous year.
Food-tech leverages the most innovative technologies to revolutionize the world of food production, storage, processing, packaging, control, and distribution, with two fundamental objectives: to offer to the greatest number of consumers innovative, safe and high-quality food products and to make increasingly sustainable and responsible agricultural production.
We talked about all of this at the last FoodTech Meetup in Milan, a community for Food-Entrepreneurs and Food-Enthusiasts, aiming to disrupt the market and foster innovative concepts in Italy.
Together with many protagonists of the food world, we have explored new business models and ways to reinvent the food industry, not only in terms of services but also with innovative products.
Thanks to the whole organization for this extraordinary event! We will catch up again soon!